Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Blog Anniversary Celebration: The College Scholarship Hunt

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We’re continuing the 2nd anniversary celebration of Barrister on a Budget Blog with a special scholarship expert Monica Matthews from How to Win College Scholarships.  Take it away Monica!
College scholarship money is a great way to help finance a college education without adding to student debt. Students and their parents who need money for college can increase their chances of winning simply by starting early in the college scholarship process.  In the spring, organizations who have offered scholarships to local students will begin publishing the names of students who have won their scholarships.  This information can often be found in a “Names in the News” section of local newspapers or local online publications. A local scholarship list can be compiled simply by noting the name of the scholarship and the amount of the award.  The next step is to do a little research to find out the scholarship due date, guidelines, and eligibility requirements.  This information can be saved until the student meets these requirements and is ready to apply.
Another way to find scholarships is to check with local banks, hospitals, engineering firms, community organizations, department stores, clubs, and places of worship and ask if they offer scholarship opportunities for local students.  Go to the website of the organization first, and if no scholarship information is found, simply pick up the phone, call, and ask. When contacting these organizations, students need to remember how important first impressions are.  They should state their name and ask if the organization has a scholarship they can apply for and if so, how they can get a copy of the application.  Parents can help do this and save a lot of time for students who are very busy with working part time jobs, after school activities, homework, volunteering, and sports.
High school guidance counselors should also have a list of local scholarships available for their students. Students can check the school website and also the website of other area high schools, as there might be local scholarships listed there that are not included in the list for their school.  As always, eligibility requirements must be carefully read, as it is a waste of time to apply for a scholarship in which a student does not meet all the requirements.

About Our Guest:  Starting early, compiling a list, and exhausting all local scholarship opportunities are huge steps in the right direction when it comes to winning college scholarships.  Learn the techniques that I developed to help applications and essays get noticed and impress college scholarship judges as soon as they first see each application.  My own son won over $100,000 in college scholarships by using these strategies and I share them in my ebook, How to Win College Scholarships, available at and on Amazon here.

Favorite Barrister Blog Post:  My favorite post is “5 Free and Easy Ways to Find Scholarships.” There are many ways to find college scholarships, but this post highlights some methods that students may be unfamiliar with, such as using the Twitter hashtag #Scholarships.  Thinking “outside of the box” when it comes to scholarship searching is a great way to find more, apply for more, and WIN more scholarships!

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Until Next Time,
Jenny L. Maxey

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