
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Blog Anniversary Celebration: 3 Ways to Get Free Help on Your Law School Personal Statement

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This week we wrap up the Barrister on a Budget Blog Second Anniversary with special guest contributor Peg Cheng the Prelaw Guru.  Take it away Peg!

As a law school admissions consultant, I help people write personal statements, resumes, and other materials for applying to law school. But I know that many prelaw students do not have the money to hire me. That's okay. In fact, that's normal. I work with a tiny percentage of the 50,000+ law school applicant pool. Even if you don't have the means to work with an admissions consultant like me, there are other good ways to get free help on your law school personal statement.

Resource #1: Prelaw Advisers: Almost every college or university employs a prelaw adviser (or two or three) to help students and alumni who are applying to law school. Check with your current school or alma mater. Many prelaw advisers are housed in the school's career center or undergraduate advising center, or in the political science, history, or humanities departments. Once you find the prelaw adviser, set up an appointment to meet with him or her to brainstorm ideas for your personal statement and/or review your draft. There is no charge to meet with the prelaw adviser and you can meet with them throughout your application process.

Resource #2: Prelaw Bloggers: There are some great prelaw bloggers who have written helpful posts about writing the law school personal statement. Read as many posts as you can. Look to see which pieces of advice keep repeating. Also, you can post your questions in the comments box and get free tips from the bloggers. Including the Barrister on a Budget Blog, here are several blogs that I read and find to be helpful:
Resource #3: My FREE Personal Statement Packet: When I was a prelaw adviser at the University of Washington (UW), my prelaw partner in crime, Chanira Reang Sperry, and I created a personal statement packet that included writing tips and sample personal statements from students and alumni we had worked with. This packet has gone on to help thousands of pre-lawyers all across the nation write effective, engaging personal statements. I hope it helps you too. Get your free copy here.

In the end, you don't need to spend money to write a law school personal statement. But you do need to spend the time and energy to make it the best it can be. Get help, write several drafts, and revise, revise, revise!

About Our Guest:  Peg Cheng is the author of The No B.S. Guides for applying to law school and the founder of Prelaw Guru, where you can find law school admissions tips, books, classes and more. For more helpful prelaw tips, follow Peg @prelawguru.

Favorite Barrister Blog Post:  Two of my favorite posts are 5 Ways to Save Money Applying to Law School and 7 Free LSAT Resources to Boost Your Score.

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Until Next Time,
Jenny L. Maxey

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