Negotiation – the hammer of the
metaphorical legal tool box. Used more
often than most other skills taught in law school such as in contract law,
mergers and acquisitions, and even criminal proceedings. Why not learn how to negotiate early and
begin with the payment of your law school education? Thanks to an article by The Windsor Star, I stumbled upon
a brave law student who attempted to do just that.
Canadian law student, Chris Rudnicki,
examined the tuition costs at the University of Windsor law school both now and
in the early 90s and compared the rate at which tuition rose with the rate of
inflation. He calculated that the cost
of tuition today would be $3,500 if it had risen at the same pace as
inflation. The law school’s dean
responded that the amount of financial aid the school disperses had increased
from $50,000 in 1999, to $1.7million today, making it an important factor that
was missed in Rudnicki’s report.
Unfortunately, Rudnicki lost the “negotiation.” He and his classmates will be paying over
$15,000 in tuition this fall. (Click HERE for the
After reading this article, the dean’s
statement stuck with me. She’s right –
the financial aid is an important factor, maybe the only factor. If the law school would limit the amount of
financial aid it offers, wouldn’t that solve all of the problems? Fewer
students would be able to attend law school without financial aid; thus,
decreasing the oversaturation of the market, providing more job opportunity and
tuition would cost less (based on her reasoning). Of course, the other side is that only the
rich could afford law school and the legal industry would potentially lose
bright minds who couldn’t afford the education.
To put it bluntly, those bright-minded students are unlikely to afford
the education even after they complete law school, based on the current job
market and average salary.
It’s doubtful that the law school would
change its stance, which begs the question – can students truly negotiate the
cost of tuition? Maybe not an
individual, but students as a population might be successful. Like a negotiation for a price of a car, the
buyer usually says, “Nah, I wasn’t that interested anyway,” and turns to walk
out the door. The car salesman quickly
gives a lower price just to get the buyer to turn around, thinking a smaller
sale is better than no sale at all. As
more students opt out of applying to law school – turning their back on the
deal – law schools will begin to lower its tuition rates to get them back. But if you really, really want that car, are you willing to walk away from it, taking
the risk that you won’t receive it at all?
Alternatively, maybe if you leave and come back later a newer, better,
more affordable car will be there for the taking. No one said negotiation would be easy.
Law schools aren’t the only entity to
negotiate with. Try negotiating with
lenders on their interest rates before signing by showing credit scores or
other information. Negotiate for
scholarships before signing your acceptance letter. As applications decrease, students have more
bargaining power than they think. If one
school is offering you a scholarship, but your dream school is not, it doesn’t
hurt to tell them you’ve been offered another scholarship and ask if they would
do the same. Negotiate summer associate
salaries in order to pay on interest or part of your tuition. Negotiate with yourself – do you really need the most recent technology,
the trip to Vegas, or a fifth cup of the $7 Starbucks coffee? Spend less and you won’t need to rely as much
on loans to get through your legal education.